
Getting Started with Extensions


Zoho Marketplace is an online store where you can upload the extensions you develop for any of the products of Zoho. You can also use the available extensions in our store for your business. This developer guide will help you build an extension and deploy it to our Marketplace.

Things to remember before you start

The manifest file

Every extension must have its own plugin-manifest.json file that defines its behavior. After defining this file, you can use client-side technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to build your extension. You can host the extension privately or declare it public.

Private and public extension

You will have to declare the extension as private or public when you submit it to us. However, learning their differences might help you to plan your work better:

BehaviorPrivate ExtensionPublic Extension
VisibilityWhoever has the installation URL will be able to access the extension.Everyone
Review after submission NAYes.
The extension will be reviewed and published by us to Zoho Marketplace.

Set up a runtime environment

  1. Install "Node.js" to set up a development environment for your extension.

    File download link:
    Versions supported by the Zoho Extension Toolkit(ZET): 6.0 and above

  2. Download the file from the above link.
  3. Verify its version by executing the following command: $ node -v

Install the Zoho Extension Toolkit

The Zoho Extension Toolkit (ZET) is a command line interface tool. You will be using this tool to build, test, and pack your extension. Execute the command that's mapped to your OS to install the tool.

Your Operating SystemCommand
MacOS / Linuxsudo npm install -g zoho-extension-toolkit
Windowsnpm install -g zoho-extension-toolkit

-g denotes global installation. When ZET is installed globally, you will be able to execute the commands from anywhere in your machine. Otherwise, you will have to navigate to the path where ZET is installed and then execute the ZET commands. After installation, verify its version by executing the following command: zet -v

ZET options

  • -v, -version - shows the version number

  • -h, -help - shows the usage information

ZET commands


Usage: $zet init

This command creates a new project template directory. Execute steps 1 to 4 in this section to get the folder structure created for your extension.


Usage: $zet run

This command starts a local server with the current directory as the context. Execute steps 6 and 7 in this section to run your extension.


Usage: $zet validate

This command validates the current extension. Execute step 8 in this section to validate your extension against the rules defined in the plugin-manifest.json file.


Usage: $zet pack

This command packs the project into a zip file so that it can be uploaded to Zoho Marketplace. Execute step 9 in this section to pack your extension. This is the last step in the creation of an extension.

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