Broadcast your presentation

During the broadcast

Allow collaborators to present.

Share your presentation with your co-worker to exchange ideas and work together in real time using Zoho Show Share. All the documents you create are stored in the cloud and can be accessed and modified at anytime by the shared participants.

The Share option lets the document owner co-create the slide, review, and give control to the Shared participant i.e. the Collaborator. To learn how to share the document with co-workers, Click Here.

The presenter can give control to the collaborator during the broadcast.

To allow a collaborator to present follow these steps:

Step 1 : The List of participants icon on the right panel will glow when a participant requests control.

Accept or Deny the request

Step 2 : The presenter can either "Allow" or "Deny" the request.

Choose one of the following options:

  • To Allow: Click to let the collaborator take control of the presentation.
  • To deny: Click to request to present.

Step 3 : Once the collaborator finishes presenting, click the Revoke button to take back control.

Revoke Control

The presenter can revoke control (take back) of the presentation from the collaborator at anytime.

Interact during the broadcast.

The presenter and the participants can ask questions and add comments using the chat panel.

To interact during the Broadcast follow these steps:

Step 1 : Click the icon on the right panel.

Step 2 : Type the questions or comments in the Chat panel (shown below) and click enter. All the active participants can view and reply to the questions in the panel.

Interact during the broadcast

The List of participants icon on the right panel glows to indicate any active chat.

Present hidden slides.

A presenter might choose to keep certain slides hidden from the audience because they are either meant only for specific audience or they lack the time to discuss them completely. These slides will still appear in the presenter's window, and can be shown to participants as needed.

To present the hidden slides follow these steps:

Step 1 : Click the hidden slide seen in the "Slide Preview" on the right panel. A pop-up window appears.

Click hidden slides

Step 2 : Click Yes, proceed to show the slide to your participants or No, thanks to continue presenting the next slide.

Present hidden slides

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