Join the broadcast

During the broadcast

Interact during the broadcast.

Your participants can chat and interact with you by asking questions and expressing their views through the chat panel.

To interact during the broadcast your participant follows these steps:

Step 1 : Your participant clicks the icon on the right panel.

Step 2 : The participant types the questions or comments in the Chat panel and clicks enter.

All the active participants can view and reply to the questions in the panel.

Interact during the broadcast


The List of participants icon on the right panel glows to indicate any active chat.

Rejoin the broadcast.

Participants may need to rejoin the broadcast under two scenarios: Middle of a session and Network Issues.

To rejoin during the broadcast follow the below steps:

1. Middle of session (Failed to join during the start)

Step 1 : Your participant clicks the broadcast URL link sent by you through email or other channels.

Step 2 : It opens the ongoing broadcast screen where your participant can edit the Guest name to add his/her name under the List of participants icon on the right panel.

Rejoin the broadcast

Your participant can see all the slides and discussions from the beginning of the session.


The participant sees the list of participants, the current slide displayed, and the chat panel on the right of broadcast window.

2. Network issues (Lost internet connection)

Your participant reloads the browser link in their web browser. He/she can catch up with the slides being presented.

Request control to present.

The collaborators (with whom the presentation is shared) can present their ideas during the broadcast by requesting control from the presenter. Shared collaborators have an extra button on the right panel to request control.

To request control follow these steps:

Step 1 : Your participant clicks the Request button on the right panel to begin presenting.

Request control to present

Step 2 : Once the collaborator gets the control to present, his or her broadcast screen changes to include additional features which help present the slides in more understandable and efficient way.

Right-side panel - Lets your collaborator to check the upcoming slide, move between the slides, check and invite the list of participants while they present.

  • 1. Next Slide:

    To take a look at what's coming next, click icon.

    Notes: To view your speaker notes while you deliver and to keep track of the key points of your current slide, use Notes.

  • 2. Slide Preview:

    To get a thumbnail view of all your slides and to jump to a specific slide, click icon.

  • 3. List of Participants:

    To check the list of participants watching the presentation, click icon.


Toggle View - To hide the chat panel and get an enlarged view of the broadcast screen, click » icon in the right corner of panel.

Navigation panel - Lets your collaborator to highlight specific and major elements in a slide.

Blackout option - Lets your collaborator to freeze and mask the slide to make the participants focus on the narrative and not on the screen.

Step 3 : After presenting his or her ideas, the collaborator clicks Return button to give back the control to the main presenter.

Return control

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