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Live Desk


Live Desk is an easy-to-use live chat software solution allowing your customers to chat and connect with you on the go. It empowers your customers to reach out to you within seconds and get their doubts clarified, without having to call or email you. You can embed this feature in your website or your customer portal. Once done, your customers are just a click away from reaching you. To access Live Desk, go to Application Settings > Live Desk.


  • This feature is available only for new accounts created after April 2014. We are currently working on migrating the old accounts to support this feature. Please contact for any clarifications.

Configure Chat Settings

This section allows you to configure chat settings like Welcome Message and Waiting Time

  • Welcome Message

It may not be possible to reply to every customer query immediately. This feature allows you to set an automated message for your customer as the chat begins. It gives you valuable extra seconds to respond to your customers efficiently.

  • Waiting Time

Waiting Time is the amount of time that an agent has to answer an incoming query from a customer. If an agent fails to respond within that particular time, the visitor’s information will be logged into the missed visitors section. Waiting time has pre-set options of 30, 60, 90 and 120 seconds to choose from.

Embed Chat Button

You can embed the chat button in your website or your customer portal. To embed the chat button in your website, copy the code under the heading " Code for your website" and paste it in your web editor. To embed the chat button in your customer portal, just toggle the "Yes/No" button accordingly.

Customize Chat Button

  • It is possible to customize the chat button by clicking on "Customize" above the chat button image. Rich customization like colors, icons, status, button size and shape is possible. Choose from over 40 different colors to set different themes, background colors and border colors. 
  • Option to set different icons for the chat button is also available, adding more variety to this feature. Other settings like "Align to right" which aligns the chat button to the extreme right and "Flip" which toggles the two chat baloons on the chat button can be turned on or off based on your preferences. 
  • Decide what text should be displayed on the chat button and also customize it with different colors. It is possible to apply a different color to each line. You can set different statuses for Online mode and Offline mode. 
  • The size of the chat button is also changeable. Based on the outlook of your website, you can choose to set a small, medium or a big chat button. "Button Gradient" can be turned on or off for a better looking icon. Different shapes for the chat button are also available and you can set what amount of radius and shadow you would like to display for the button.

Embed Float Button

You can embed the float button in your website or your customer portal. To embed the float button in your website, copy the code under the heading " Code for your website" and paste it in your web editor. To embed the float button in your customer portal, just toggle the "Yes/No" button accordingly.

Customize Float Button

  • It is possible to customize the float button by clicking on "Customize" above the float button image. Rich customization like colors, icons, status, button alignment and options are possible. Choose from over 40 different colors to set different themes, background colors and border colors. 
  • Option to set different icons for the Float button is also available, adding more variety to this feature. Other settings like "Align to right" which aligns the chat button to the extreme right and "Flip" which toggles the two chat baloons on the chat button can be turned on or off based on your preferences. 
  • Decide what text should be displayed on the chat button and also customize it with different colors. It is possible to apply a different color to each line. You can set different statuses for Online mode and Offline mode. 
  • See where you want to put the float button in the "Float button alignment" section. Float button options like "Chat Bubble" which is nothing but the floating chat icon and "Show Agents" can be turned on or off based on your preferences.

Configure Chat Window

This feature allows you to change the appearance of the Chat window. Actions like Print, Mail, File, Sharing, Format, Feedback and Sound can be enabled or disabled from here. Different themes can also be applied to the chat window. Rich customization is possible by applying different colors for Header, Header background, Body background and Border. Also, you have the option to turn on or turn off the Company logo, Supporter Photo and Company address which appear on the Chat Window by default.

Chat from Customer Portal

You can connect and chat with an agent from your customer portal to get your doubts clarified. To do so, "Embed chat/float button in Customer Portal" must be set to "Yes". On your customer portal home page, click on "Click here to chat" to start chatting with an online agent. This feature does not require you to sign in to the customer portal.

Screen shot of float button on the customer portal

Screen shot of chat button on the customer portal

Once you click on the chat icon, you can start chatting in the chat box shown below

When a chat is initiated, the agent receives a call which he needs to accept. The agent has 60 seconds to answer the call, failing which the call ends.

Screen shot of incoming call popup

Upon answering the call, the agent is redirected to the chat page. He can then start chatting with the customer to reply to his queries.

Screen shot of the chat page to chat with the customer


You can assign your existing app users as Agents who can answer incoming chat queries. To assign agents,

  1. Click on Agents > Add Agent
  2. Click on the editor space to show up existing users and select any user.
  3. Select an Agent Role from the drop down and click on Add.

To delete an existing agent, click on "X" mark beside the agent you want to delete. Agents will receive queries only if their status is set to "Available". No queries will be received if status is set to "Busy".

Agents can be assigned different Roles. Each Role has a different set of privileges.

  1. Administrator - Has privilege to perform all actions.
  2. Supervisor - Has the same features of an associate with some added privileges like Chat Monitoring, View Reports and Web Embed Configuration.
  3. Associate - Has limited privilege and can only give support to the customers.


  • To change the role of an existing Agent, delete and add that Agent again with a different role.
  • Livedesk has its separate pricing. Click here for more details.
