Creator Help

Record Summary


The Record Summary feature (applicable only for list and calendar report format) allows you to create a customized view of each record, by drag-and-drop of fields to their required position. You can also insert images and description and make each record look like a page in itself. For example, you can create an invoice document from a single invoice record as shown in the screen-show below.  Other uses include creation of estimates, brochures, certificates, newsletters, campaign mails, visiting cards, product phamplets etc.

Screen shot of an Invoice template 

Create a New Record Summary

To create a new record summary,

    • Select the report for which you want to create a record summary
    • Select the Record Summary option from the Report Settings page. Click on New Record Summary to create a custom record summary. The New Record Summary page will be displayed as shown below.
    • Specify the Record Summary Title 
    • Choose layout from the supported layout formats.
    • Click on Create to create the record summary page. 

You can add headings, paragraphs, images, sections and tables by drag-and-drop of the required element displayed on top of the page, as shown in the screen-shot below. For example, drag-and-drop the Heading element to add a heading to your summary page.

Create sections by drag-and-drop of the Section element. You can adjust the number of columns and column width in the sections from the section toolbar. 

Within each section insert required text, field values or images. Click on Insert Fields in the editor toolbar, to insert field values dynamically at the required positions. For example, selecting the field Inv.Address will add as $(Inv_Address) . When you access the record summary in live mode, the value of the Inv.Address field will be displayed here.

Drag and drop fields directly from the left-side to add field label and value.  The toolbar enables you to align label positions, remove labels and format labels and values. 

Record Summary Settings

The Settings icon displayed on the top-right corner of the Record Summary page provides options to resize your page, change the current page layout, customize the background color, image and many other options to customize the look and feel of your page. The settings consist of three tabs namely,

  • Dimensions - The dimensions tab displayed below allows the user to resize the page and also adjust padding space.

  • Layout - The Layout tab displayed below allows the user to change the current page layout to the required display format. The header and footer can be enabled from the Page options menu.

  • Customize- The customize tab displayed below allows the user to set the background color, image and many other options to customize the look and feel of the page.

Record Summary Templates

You can create multiple templates for a single report, but set only one template as a live template. The Record Summary page displays a list of all the templates created for the report including the default template.  

Edit a record summary template

To edit a record summary template,

  • Click on the Edit button in the Record Summary page.
  • Make the required changes to the template.
  • Click on the Save icon displayed on the top-right corner of the page.

Clone record summary template

To duplicate a copy of an existing template,

  • Click on the Clone button of the template to be duplicated
  • A new template will be created and listed in the Record Summary page with the name "Copy Of" prefixed to the original template name.

Rename record summary display name and link name

To rename the display name and link name of a record summary,

  • Click on the Rename button in the Record summary page
  • To change the display name, specify a new display name in the "Display Name" text box.
  • To change the link name, specify the new link name in the "Link name" text box.
  • Click Done to update the changes.

Change Active/Inactive Status of a template

You can create multiple templates for a single report, but set only one template as a live template. To set a template as active,

  • Click on the InActive button of the template to be set as active. The Active green button will now be displayed for this template and all other templates will display the Inactive status.
  • The template that is set as active, will be displayed when you access the record summary in live mode.

Delete a record summary template

To delete a record summary template,

  • In the record summary page, click on the Delete icon displayed for a template.
  • An alert message will be displayed to confirm deletion.
  • Click on Yes to delete the template.

View and Print a Record Summary or Export as PDF

1. To view the record summary of a specific record with actual data,

  • Access the report for which you have created the record summary.
  • Mouse over the record you want to view and click on "Edit -> View Record".
  • The record summary will be displayed with actual data, based on the template chosen in the record summary page.

2. To print the record summary or export as PDF

    • To print the record summary, click on the Print icon displayed on the top right corner of the record summary.
    • To export the record summary as PDF, click on the PDF icon displayed on the top right corner of the record summary.

Screen-shot of the record summary page with Print and PDF options

URL to print a record summary or export as PDF

1. URL to print a record summary using RecordID<adminUserName>/<appName>/record-print/<viewLinkName>/<RecordID>/<encryptedKey>


adminUserName refers to the name of the user who owns the application

appName refers to the name of the application

viewLinkName refers to the link name of the report where the record summary is created. 

recordID  refers to the unique ID generated by Zoho Creator (unique across your account) for every record that is added to the database. The ID can be displayed in your report by selecting the ID Field from Report Settings - Column Properties, in Edit mode

encryptedKey refers to the unique key that is generated while publishing the report. Refer Publish for more information.  Specifying the encrypted key will allow access to the record summary without login.

2. URL to generate a record summary as PDF, using RecordID<adminUserName>/<appName>/record-pdf/<viewLinkName>/<RecordID>/<PreferredDownloadFilename>/<encryptedKey>


adminUserName refers to the name of the user who owns the application

appName refers to the name of the application

viewLinkName refers to the link name of the report where the record summary is created. 

recordID  refers to the unique ID generated by Zoho Creator (unique across your account) for every record that is added to the database. The ID can be displayed in your report by selecting the ID Field from Report Settings - Column Properties, in Edit mode

encryptedKey refers to the unique key that is generated while publishing the report. Refer Publish for more information.  Specifying the encrypted key will allow access to the record summary without login.

preferredDownloadFilename is the name you provide for the PDF file.

Execute custom actions from record summary

If you have configured custom actions for a view, the record summary created for the view will display the Custom Action button when you access the record summary, in live mode.

Print all or selected records as record summary

You can print all records or only specific records in a report as record summary. 

  • Select the records to be printed in the report.
  • Click on the Print icon displayed on the top right corner of a report.
  • Click on the Print as record summary option to print the selected records in record summary format. 

Include record summary in Send mail

  • Send record summary templates in your send mail task configured in the Form Actions -> On Success block. Refer Send mail task for more information.
  • Send record summary templates from Email Notifications. Refer Set Email Notifications for more information.
  • Send record summary as an email attachment using Form Schedule. Click here to learn more.
