
Our Customer Testimonials

The team at Zoho Campaigns, in particular, has been fabulous to work with - highly responsive and dedicated. With their assistance we have been able to deliver professional looking and highly-effective communications without having to invest in outside resources.

Angie KearnsNoxilizer, Inc

I consult companies on Marketing and Automation tools. While the majority of the work I do for clients use bigger more robust systems, they are more than I need for my own company, not to mention more pricey. I get everything I need for email campaigns, auto responders and metrics from ZOHO.

Joshua ASource: G2 Crowd

Our communication with our customers is dramatically better. Our customers are more engaged and more happy than they ever have been before.

RossInteractive Fitness

Zoho Campaigns has been the easiest way for us to distribute any eDMs to our database. Any problems that I may encounter they are always happy to help me either through emails or phone calls. I would definitely recommend Zoho Campaigns to anybody.

CathyForum Group Events Ltd.

It integrates very nicely with Zoho CRM. I use Z-CRM for my small side business and love it for its simplicity! I'm equally pleased with Z-Campaigns. The sync to/from Z-CRM is pretty tight. It's easy to setup drip campaigns based on dates or other actions (such as joining a mailing list). Its report dashboard is refreshingly simple. Really enjoying this product!

Ben BSource: G2 Crowd

Zoho Campaigns has served as an invaluable tool for easily delivering news, updates, and value to my clients. Since integrating Z-Campaigns, I've experienced noticeable growth!

Bob JosephFounder and CEO, ICT Inc.