Creator Help

Create A Combined Report


In the topic Create Relationship, we created three forms - Employee form, Department form and Role form and created relationship between these forms using single-select and multi-select lookup fields. Now, we will learn how to create a combined view that displays columns from two or more related forms, in a single report.

Steps to create the Combined Report

  1. Select the Create New -> Report option and create a report with the form which contains the Lookup field.
  2. Select Report Settings -> Column Properties from the left-side tree.
  3. Click on the option Select Related Form from the right bottom, which in turn will display the Form. Select a form from which a field must be displayed. Drag and Drop the required field to the editor. 
  4. In the screenshot shown below, the Department Name field from the Department form is added to the editor area of Employee List report.
  5. The changes will be updated automatically. 
  6. In Live mode, the combined report will be displayed with the selected fields.
