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Date Constants

Given below is a list of date variables that can be used as Deluge criteria in a report. ( List, summary, grid or calendar report formats ) For example, to get records added in last 7 days the criteria added to the view should be ADDED_TIME in last 7 days

Function Description
 LAST WEEK  Returns the date between start and end of previous week
 LAST MONTH  Returns date between start and end of previous month
 LAST YEAR  Returns records between start and end of previous year
 THIS WEEK  Returns date between start and end of current week
 THIS MONTH  Returns date between start and end of current month
 THIS YEAR Returns date between start and end of current year
 NEXT WEEK  Returns date between start and end of current week
 NEXT MONTH  Returns date between start and end of next month
 NEXT YEAR  Returns date between start and end of next year
 LAST n DAYS  Returns date for last n days excluding today
 LAST n WEEKS  Returns date for last n weeks excluding current week
 LAST n MONTHS  Returns date for last n months excluding current month
 LAST n YEARS  Returns date for last n years excluding current year
 NEXT n DAYS  Returns date for next n days excluding today
 NEXT n WEEKS  Returns date for next n weeks excluding current week
 NEXT n MONTHS  Returns date for next n months excluding current month
 NEXT n YEARS  Returns date for next n years excluding current year
 n DAYS AGO  Returns date for the duration of one day starting from n days before today
 n WEEKS AGO  Returns date for the duration of one week starting from n weeks before current week
 n MONTHS AGO  Returns date for the duration of one month starting from n months before current month
 n YEARS AGO  Returns date for the duration of one year starting from n years before current year
