Creator Help

Adding A New Field


You can add fields to a blank form and also re-arrange them through simple drag and drop. Choose a field type based on the kind of data that it should contain. By default, Zoho Creator supports basic validation for an adequate number of field types. For example, if you want users to enter their email-id in a certain field, select the "Email" field type. Zoho Creator checks if the data entered in the form for that field is a valid email-id, else it will display an error message to the user.

Steps to add a new field

  1. Drag and drop the required field type displayed on the left-side to the form. For example, to add a Single Line text field, drag and drop the Single Line field type to the form editor area. Refer the topic, Form Field Types for more information on each field type supported by Zoho Creator.
  2. Specify the Field Name in the box provided for field name in Field Properties. You can also find various additional parameters for this field in the field properties, that can be configured. Yet the Formula field type will not have these parameters and you have to specify the required formula expression based on which the value of the field will be created. Refer Formula fields for more information.

To re-arrange the fields in a form:

  • Drag the field you need to move and drop it in the required position
  • The fields would be displayed in the new order when the form is accessed.

Field Configurations

Mandatory: If you feel that values for this field should definitely be given by the user while submitting a form, you can select this option. By default, it is optional.

No Duplicate Entries: If you feel that values for this field should be unique for each record while submitting a form, you can select this option. By default, all the fields will be non unique.

Hide this field to others: Selecting this option will make this field accessible only to the author/owner of the application.

Initial Value: If you feel that values for this field should definitely be filled with some value even if the user does not specify anything, you can specify a default value for this field .

Instructions: To configure tooltip for a field.

Field name for script: This name will only be used to refer to each of the fields in script mode. It has to be alphanumeric but can contain underscore.

Max Characters/Digits: Specify the maximum number of characters/digits that can be entered in a text/number field.
