Creator Help

Style based URLs for Embedded forms

In this topic we list out the parameters used in customizing the look and feel of Zoho Creator forms and views. These parameters can be applied to the Forms and Views embedded in your HTML views.

Form Properties

Description Parameter/Value
Display form without form header zc_Header=false
Form background color zc_BgClr=<color value>
Form border color zc_BdrClr=<color value>
Customize the success message zc_SuccMsg=<custom message>

Embed form with transparent background

Refer this link to view a sample form with transparent background



  • Color values can be given as CSS or Hex values or color names.
    Example: zc_BgClr=_00FF00, zc_BgClr=lime, zc_BgClr=rgb(0, 255, 0)

Form Header Customization

Description Parameter/Value
Header color zc_HdrClr=<color value>
Header height zc_HdrHeight=<header height in px or %>
Header font zc_HdrFont=<header font family>
Header font color zc_HdrFontClr=<color value>
Header font size zc_HdrFontSize=<header font size>


  • Color values can be given as CSS or Hex values or color names.
    Ex : zc_HdrClr=rgb(0, 255, 0) , zc_HdrClr=_00FF00, zc_HdrClr=lime
  • Width and height can be given in px, % etc

Form Footer Customization

Description Parameter /Value
Footer color zc_FtrClr=<color value>
Button background color zc_BtnBgClr=<color value>
Button font zc_BtnFont=<font family>
Button text color zc_BtnClr=<color value>
Button footer height zc_FtrHeight=<footer height in px or %>
Button background color on mouse over zc_BtnMovrBgClr=<color value>
Button text color on mouse over zc_BtnMovrClr=<color value>
Button font size zc_BtnFontSize=<footer font size>


  • Color values can be given as CSS or Hex values or color names.
    Ex : zc_HdrClr=rgb(0, 255, 0) , zc_HdrClr=_00FF00, zc_HdrClr=lime
  • Width and height can be given in px, % etc

Form Labels and Fields Customization

Description Parameter /Value
Field Label - background color zc_LblClr=<color value>
Field Label - width zc_LblWidth=<width in px or %>
Field Label - font family zc_LblFont=<font family>
Field Label - font color zc_LblFontClr=<color value>
Field Label - font size zc_LblFontSize=<font size>
Field input - background color zc_InpClr=<color value>
Field input - container width zc_InpWidth=<width in px or %>
Field input - font family zc_InpFieldFont=<font family>
Field input - font size zc_InpFieldFontSize=<font size>
Field input - font color zc_InpFieldFontClr=<color value>


  • Color values can be given as CSS or Hex values or color names.
    Ex : zc_HdrClr=rgb(0, 255, 0) , zc_HdrClr=_00FF00, zc_HdrClr=lime
  • Width and height can be given in px, % etc

Form Field Width/ Height Customization

Field Type Parameter for Field Width Parameter for Field Height
Single line/Email zc_InpFieldWidth=<width> zc_InpFieldHeight=<height>
Multi Select zc_MultiSelectWidth=<width> zc_MultiSelectHeight=<height >
Radio button zc_RadioWidth=<width> zc_RadioHeight=<height>
Decision box zc_DecisionCBWidth=<width> zc_DecisionCBHeight=<height>
Number/Decimal/Percent/Currency zc_NumberFieldWidth=<width> zc_NumberFieldHeight=<height>
Multi Line zc_TextAreaWidth=<width> zc_TextAreaHeight=<height>
Date zc_DateWidth=<width> zc_DateHeight=<height>
DateTime zc_DateTimeWidth=<width> zc_DateTimeHeight=<height>
Checkbox zc_CheckBoxesWidth=<width> zc_CheckBoxesHeight=<height>
Dropdown zc_DropDownWidth=<width> zc_DropDownHeight=<height>


  • Width and height can be given in px or %

View Customization

Description Parameter /Value
View - Header Color zc_HdrClr=<color value>
View - border color zc_BdrClr=<color value>
View - Group Header Color zc_GrpHdrClr=<color value>
Need search option zc_Search=<true/false>
Need pagination option zc_Paging=<true/false>
Show/Hide record summary link zc_Summary=<true/false>
Show/Hide "Add" link zc_AddRec=<true/false>
Show/Hide "Delete" link zc_DelRec=<true/false>
Show/Hide view header zc_Header=<true/false>
Show/Hide view footer zc_Footer=<true/false>
Show/Hide filters in view zc_Filter=<true/false>
Show/Hide column drop-down menu zc_ColMenu=<true/false>
Show/Hide summation row zc_SumRow=<true/false>
Show/Hide "Edit" link in each record zc_EditRec=<true/false>
Show/Hide "Duplicate" option zc_DuplRec=<true/false>
Show/Hide "Save" option. Applies only for grid view zc_SaveRec=<true/false>
Deluge name of field based on which calendar view
will be shown. Applies only for calendar view
Record limit of each view page zc_RecLimit=<number>
Show/Hide record selection check box in each record zc_RecSelect=<true/false>
Show/Hide secondary header (having Add, Edit,
Search, etc) in view
Show/Hide "Bulk Edit" link zc_EditBulkRec=<true/false>
Hide "Export" option zc_Export=true (by default it is false)
Hide "Print" option zc_Print=true (by default it is false)
Hide record level Print option zc_RecPrint=false (by default it is true)


  • Color values can be given as CSS or Hex values or color names. Example: Ex : zc_HdrClr=rgb(0, 255, 0) , zc_HdrClr=_00FF00, zc_HdrClr=lime


  1. To customize the embedded form in your HTML view, add the required parameters after the params=' as shown in the sample code below.

    <div elName='zc-component' formLinkName='Sales'params='zc_Header=true&zc_SuccMsg=Data Added Sucessfully!&zc_SubmitVal=Submit&zc_ResetVal=Reset&zc_HdrFontClr=Blue&zc_HdrFontSize=20'>Loading Form..</div>

  2. To customize the embedded view in your HTML view, add the required parameters after the params=' as shown in the sample code below.

    <div elName='zc-component' viewLinkName='Sales_View' params='zc_Summary=false&zc_Filter=false&zc_ColMenu=false'>Loading View...</div>
