Creator Help

Count Function

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Count function

The count function returns the number of rows in a Form / Form variable.




  1. The following sample code, added to the on submit block, checks for uniqueness of a record. If the name specified in the form data already exists in the team_member form, the data is not submitted.

    on success
    if (count(team_member[name ==]) > 0)
    cancel submit;


    team_member - is the name of the form.
    team_member [name ==] - selects all the team_members whose name is equal to the name currently entered in the name field. - it is the value for the field "name" given by the user while submitting the form
    count - count operator returns the number of team members whose name is equal to

  2. The following sample code, added to the on success block, limits the number of records in a form.

    on success
    if(count(Employee)>= 20)
    alert("No more registrations allowed");
    cancel submit;


    Employee - is the name of the form
    count - count function returns the number of records in the Employee form.

  3. The following sample code added to the on success block, will pass the count value to a variable and display the result. Here, var1 is the user-defined variable which holds the total number of records in FormA, with the given criteria. The criteria [ID!=0], returns all the records in FormA.

    on success
              var1 = count(FormA[ID!=0 ]);
              info var1;
