Creator API

REST API - View Records in View


where <applicationLinkName> and <viewLinkName> are the link names of your application and view/report respectively, and can be referred from here
and <format> is the type of response format as listed below.


  • XML
  • JSON

HTTP Method



Parameter Name Usage Description
authtoken Required. A valid API authtoken. Refer generating authtoken.
scope Required Specify the value as creatorapi
<application link name> Required. The link name of the application that contains the form.
<view link name> Required The link name of the view/report to display the records from.
zc_ownername Required The owner of the application. 
raw Optional If response format is specified as json set this parameter to true to get only a json array without a Javascript variable.
criteria Optional

The criteria must be specified in the format <criteria column name> <operator> <value>
where <criteria column name> is the link name of the field to check <value> against
and <operator> is the operator to use. Some of the expamples for the operators supported are
!=, <=, >=,<, >, =

Example : (Name == "Jean" && DOB == "20-Jul-1981")

Refer to this page for the link names used in your applications.



  • Anyone with a valid auth token can view the records of a public Form.
  • Only the owner of the application can view the records of a private Form.
  • Any user with a valid auth token and share permission can view the records of a shared Form.
  • Lookup related fields are listed as <Lookup Field Name>.<Actual Field Name> (eg: Department.Department_Name)

Sample Request

<form method="GET" action="">
<input type="hidden" name ="authtoken" value="************">
<input type="hidden" name ="zc_ownername" value="********">
<input type="hidden" name="criteria" value="(PacienteSL=="Abilio Alfredo Finotti")">
<input type="hidden" name ="scope" id="scope" value="creatorapi">
<input type="submit" value="View Records">

Sample Response

XML response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<record id="8007000006281183">
<column name="Name">
<column name="DOB">
<column name="Address">
<column name="Hobbies">
<value>[Reading, Swimming]</value>
<column name="Basic">
<column name="Name">
<column name="DOB">
<column name="Address">
<column name="Hobbies">
<column name="Basic">
<column name="Name">
<column name="DOB">
<column name="Address">
<column name="Hobbies">
<value>[Running, Swimming]</value>
<column name="Basic">
<column name="Department.Role">

JSON response

{"Employee":[{"Address":"France","Hobbies":"[Reading, Swimming]","Basic":33000,"Name":"Juliet","DOB":"14-Jul-1989"},{"Address":"India","Hobbies":"[Swimming]","Basic":35000,"Name":"Gary","DOB":"12-Jun-1980"},{"Address":"UK","Hobbies":"[Running, Swimming]","Basic":32000,"Name":"Jean","DOB":"20-Jul-1981"}]}

CSV response

Name,DOB,Address,Hobbies,Basic Juliet,14-Jul-1989,France,"[Reading, Swimming]",33000.0 Gary,12-Jun-1980,India,[Swimming],35000.0 Jean,20-Jul-1981,UK,"[Running, Swimming]",32000.0

Error Codes

If there is an error in the request format, the corresponding error code with error message will be displayed. Please refer to the topic Error codes and descriptions for the list of error codes. If the operation is successful, the response message will be displayed with status as "Success".
