Creator Help

Show / Hide Columns In A Report

Hide / Show Columns in a Report

When you create a new report, it will display all the columns in the form based on which the report is created. If you do not want to display a column in a particular report, you can hide it. This does not remove the column or its data in any way.

To limit a column from being displayed in a report,

  1. Select the report from the Reports tab in Edit mode.
  2. Go to Report Settings -> Column Properties option.
  3. Column Properties tab displays a list of columns in a report along with a list of columns that are kept hidden by default.
  4. To hide a column, mouseover the column name and click on the Delete Icon. Once you delete the column, it will be listed on the right along with other columns that are kept hidden.
  5. You can drag and drop these hidden column name to the editor area provided to show it again in the report, as shown in the screenshot below:


    • As of now, we dont support "Showing" a column in one report and "Hiding" it in another. If a column is Shown/Hidden, it gets applied across all the reports in which the field is present.

Related Topics:

You can also configure to Hide columns when you access the report, in live mode.
You can also configure to display only specific columns in a List view but all the columns in the summary. Learn How.
