Creator API

REST API - Copy Application (This method is deprecated)


where <format> is the type of response format as listed below.


xml, json

HTTP Method



Parameter Name Usage Description
authtoken Required. A valid API authtoken. Refer for generating authtoken.
scope Required Specify the value as creatorapi
applinkname Required.

The link name of your application, as can be referred to here

newappname Optional. If the new name is not specified or if the new name already exists, the application will be copied as "Copy-of-<applinkname>".
zc_ownername Optional. The application owner's name. This is Required when copying a public application.



  • Only the owner of a private application can copy it.
  • Anyone with a valid auth token can copy a public application.

Sample Request

<form method="POST" action="">
<input type="hidden" name ="authtoken" value="************">
<input type="hidden" name ="scope" id="scope" value="creatorapi">
<input type="text" name ="applinkname" value="sample">
<input type="text" name ="newappname" value="sample copied">
<input type="submit" value="Copy Application">

Sample Response

XML response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<application-name>sample copied</application-name>

JSON response

{"copy-application":[{"link-name":"sample-copied","application-name":"sample copied"}]}

Error Codes

If there is an error in the request format, the corresponding error code with error message will be displayed. Please refer to the topic Error codes and descriptions for the list of error codes. If the operation is successful, the response message will be displayed with status as "Success".
