
Why ContactManager

Zoho ContactManager is a breakthrough in the ease of use and to manage all your business deals. Do you now have a new business partner? Did you just turn a prospect into a vendor, a reseller, or a customer? Congratulations, for all this qualifies as a new business deal for your organization.

Quickly Associate

Even as you work on various business deals to reach your targets, you would identify various prospective deals. Zoho ContactManager makes it easy for you to add these prospects to your account. You can also to map these to one of your team member’s account and keep track of the deals’ status.

Easily Forecast

Know the forecast of your business by tracking the status of all your deals, including all the pending deals. This makes it easier for you to let your higher-ups know the major deals your team has won in a month.

Smoothly Assign Tasks

Using Zoho ContactManager Add new tasks to improve the chances to win business deals faster – depending on the status of your deal.

Who owns the Deal?

Use the combination of filters to view those deals assigned to your team members and track the deals won so far. These filters also let you view the status of different deals for a particular month.


ContactManager has help readily made for you. When you add a new prospective deal, you can use our set of pre-defined tasks from the template section and associate it to your deal.